Product Description
Let’s take a glance into what your child will receive here at Muslim Children’s Garden. Every morning, we start our day with group play to establish a sense of community within the school. Then, we break into circle time where we start the day with Quran recitation, followed by prophet stories. We then move into English Circle time where we cover the theme and letter of the week along with learning shapes and colors. We then break into snack time where we feed our children a healthy, well balanced meal before jumping into their next activity. Then, we break into another circle time where we repeat our English curriculum but in Arabic. Lastly, we break into lunch time then embark on play and story time to finish the day.
I look forward to welcome your child into our community that we have grown and nurtured for over 20 years. It will be my honor to take this responsibility in front of Allah to build your child’s foundation of Islam and be your village to raise your child.
Grades: Pre-K – K
Student Body Size: 31
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